Dennis Franklin
16th January 2018
Hello, my name is Dennis I am 15 years old, I have lived in Bargeod all my life until about a year ago when I moved to New Tredegar, but thankfully it’s a similar area in the valleys. I still live at home with my mother, three sisters and one brother, however I do have older siblings that don’t live with me because they have their own families, but it’s still a very busy household as I have two dogs a rabbit and three lizards. My hobbies include boxing, long walks I also like to play on the play station my favourite game has to be call of duty ghost, I like to watch vines on YouTube and listen to music.
I am currently a student at MPCT that is based in the heads of valleys industrial estate in Rhymney, I have been attending here for almost two years after being kicked out of Heolddu Comprehensive School for my poor behaviour, I have changed a lot since then and I personally think it’s because of my time at MPCT and the support I have been given.
I have made a massive improvement academically and even my attitude has befitted, and owe this all to the staff here, especially staff Sullivan who is constantly giving up his time for me, just to help me prepare for things like my ice breaker, its important I get more confident when speaking to a large group, as it is one of the aspects that will directly affect my future, which is hopefully going to be in the British military, I hope to join the royal welsh like staff Sullivan.
Not only this, but staff are constantly pushing me to my limits, especially during physical training and academic work as it will assist me not just in the military but in everyday life.