Liam Dix
9th January 2018
Hi my name is Liam Dix I have been at MPCT since early October. Since being at MPCT I have sat exams for English and Maths. Before I joined MPCT my fitness wasn’t very good but it has got a lot better over my stay.
My fastest mile and a half is 8:39 and my best press ups and sit ups are 70 and 88. The college has given me a major insight into what it might be like when I leave for the British army. The staff at the college have helped me a lot with progressing and helping me get to where I am now. We had very good lessons about ironing kit and folding equipment and setting up own equipment so we gave the best possible chance at passing our training and so we already have a good idea of what to do. At college we regularly set ourselves tasks which is good because it makes us push harder to achieve and stand out in the best way possible.
I leave for my phase one training on the 31st of July for 14 weeks at ATC Catterick where I hope to be part of the Rifles when I pass out.