Andrew Townsend
9th January 2018
My name is Andrew Townsend I joined MPCT August 2015, I joined after doing plumbing for a year to boost my confidence and fitness for the royal logistic core army.
When I first started I was nervous about when I was getting myself in for because I wasn’t at my fittest peak at the time and I thought I would find it hard. But despite all of this staff and other students would always be there to boost your morale so that you could carry on. The best part of the course is the trips we do like to op sandy dune because we are all getting taught by ex-servicemen themselves so we are getting the best advice someone could get like about camo and concealment and also what to do on rekey patrols. Overall the whole experience of the staff here at MPCT has helped massively to gain the knowledge to get into the army.
I am due to start training in the army on 14/09/16 and I would have struggled without MPCT.